My IT Odyssey: 17 Years of Crafting Solutions Across Industries

Hello, I’m Remco Evers, an IT professional hailing from the Netherlands, and I’ve been immersed in the world of technology for a whopping 17 years.

Over the course of my career, I’ve had the privilege of working in diverse sectors, each presenting unique challenges and focal points.

Foto van Remco Evers

From the intricacies of healthcare to the dynamic landscapes of banking, government, and education, I’ve explored it all. In my journey, I’ve donned various hats, taking on roles such as:

  1. Application Management
  2. Application Delivery
  3. Application Packaging
  4. Workspace Management
  5. Server Management
  6. Azure Management

Regardless of the role, my guiding principle has always been to achieve more with less—less compute, less time, fewer people, and fewer applications.

I’ve encountered my fair share of technical challenges along the way. In response, I’ve engineered solutions, some of which are custom-built by me or my peers, while others are innovative offerings from our trusted suppliers.

At present, I find myself deeply entrenched in the healthcare sector, working for a prestigious hospital in the Netherlands. My current focus involves maintaining a Citrix XenApp environment running on Windows Server 2016. Simultaneously, I’m charting the course for the future, actively engaged in building a robust Windows Server 2022 environment.

In this blog series, I’ll be sharing my experiences—the highs and lows, the intricacies of Citrix XenApp, and the triumphs and challenges of migrating to Windows Server 2022. Join me on this journey of technical exploration, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of efficiency as we navigate the ever-evolving landscape of information technology together.

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